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Text Of The Rosicrucian Order


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​​Rosicrucian Manifestos



The Rosicrucians



The Chemical Wedding



Fama Fraternitatis

​Confessio Fraternitatis​
Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception Illustrations



A Link To AMORC Audio On Line Pod Cast. Covering A Large Variety Of Esoteric Topics​

Rosicrucian Cosmo
Mystic Christianity
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The Mystical  Life Of Jesus

This fascinating, non-sectarian treatment of the unknown life of Jesus is based on records preserved in the archives of ancient monasteries of the Essenes and the Rosicrucian Order.
It is a full account of the birth, youth, early manhood, and later periods of Jesus' life, containing the story of his activities in the times not mentioned in the Gospel accounts. The facts relating to the immaculate conception, the birth, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension will astound and inspire you. The book contains many mystical symbols, fully explained, original photographs, and an unusual portrait of Jesus.

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The Secret Doctrines of  Jesus

Following years of extensive research and journeys to the Holy Land and Egypt, H. Spencer Lewis reveals the hidden doctrines of Jesus and what they mean.


The Inner World Of Dreams

Learn all about your dreams and what they can teach you about yourself and your world. The author takes the reader on a fascinating voyage into a mysterious world in which the dramas of the night can range from the completely outrageous to the lofty and sublime. The Inner World of Dreams is written in an easy-to-read style for the beginning and intermediate explorer of the world of dreams. It will give you a good start towards increased insight into your dreams.

A Thousand Years of Yesterdays

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Here is a book that will tell you about the real facts of reincarnation. It is a story of the Soul, and explains in detail how the Soul enters the body and how it leaves it, where it goes, and when it comes back to earth again, and why. The story is not just a piece of fiction, but a revelation of the mystic laws and principles known to the Masters of the Far East and the Orient for many centuries, and never put into book form as a story before this book was printed. That is why the book has been translated into so many foreign languages and endorsed by the mystics and adepts of India, Persia, Egypt, and Tibet. Fascinating — Alluring— Instructive. Those who have read the book say that they were unable to leave it without finishing it at one sitting. The story reveals the mystic principles taught by the Rosicrucians in regard to reincarnation as well as the spiritual laws of the soul and the incarnations of the soul. 

Mansions of the Soul

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The definitive work on reincarnation and the soul, this Rosicrucian classic explains all about the soul and its cycles of reincarnation. The ideas expressed here will remove from your consciousness any fear of so-called death. 

Reincarnation is one of the world's most disputed doctrine. The belief in reincarnation has had millions of intelligent, learned, and tolerant followers throughout the ages. Ringing through the minds and hearts of students, mystics, and thinkers have always been the words: "Why Are We Here?" Reincarnation has been criticized by some as conflicting with sacred literature and as being without verification. This book reveals, however, in an intelligent manner the many facts to support reincarnation. 

Quotations from eminent authorities, and from Biblical
and Sacred works substantiate reincarnation. It places it high above mere speculation. This book is without exaggeration the most complete, inspiring, enlightening book ever written on this subject. It is not a fiction story but a step-by-step revelation of profound mystical laws. Look at some of these thought-provoking, intriguing subjects: The Cosmic Conception; The Personality of the Soul; Does Personality Survive Transition?; Heredity and Inheritance; Karma and Personal Evolution; Religious and Biblical Viewpoints; Christian References; Between Incarnations; Souls of Animals and the "Unborn"; Recollections of the Past.

Self Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life

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A unique presentation of the mysterious Cosmic cycles that influence the personal, social, business, financial, and other affairs of our daily lives, accompanied with tables and a system whereby each one may easily work out the periods of each year and of each life when there are favorable and unfavorable times for mastering the problems of life. A most unusual book and a valuable daily guide for everyone.

Just imagine, if you can, a pleasant gift of a very complete life reading of yourself, or of one of your children, or of your marriage partner, or any friend! With this book before you, and with only pen and ink and some sheets of paper, you can sit down any evening and with pleasure, fascination, instruction, and gripping interest, prepare a complete life reading for yourself or someone else in less than an hour. No mathematics, no other books to consult, no difficult formulas to work out, just reading and writing, pleasantly and fascinatingly.


Essays Of A Modern Mystic

Intuition is unlearned knowledge. The mystic is one who has a profound insight into this unlearned knowledge that springs from a cosmic source. Though a mystic may resort to reason and logic, as would another, the intuitive self permits him or her to realize those subtleties of experience that reason often does not reveal to other people.

Many of the great philosophers and scientists have had mystical inclinations. They were guided by the inspiration that came to them in meditation. Abraham Lincoln, according to his own statement, never would make a momentous decision without the illumination that came from this inner source of wisdom.

Albert Einstein said: “The most beautiful, the most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. . . . He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead."

The writings of the mystic tie together the perceptions of our physical senses and the higher sensibilities of the expanded consciousness. The true mystic is not a sensationalist. In fact, they cannot be distinguished from other people except in the happiness they derives from life by a more perfect understanding of themself.

These private writings disclose the personal confidence and enlightenment that are born of inner experience. As a true mystic philosopher, Dr. Lewis shares with his readers the results of contact with the Cosmic intelligence residing within.


Mental Alchemy

We can transmute our problems to workable solutions through mental alchemy. While this process is neither easy nor instantaneously effective, eventually the serious person will be rewarded. Certain aspects of our lives can be altered to make them more compatible with our goals. Use this book to alter the direction of your life through proper thought and an understanding of practical mystical philosophy.

Herbalism Through The Ages

The seemingly magical power of herbs endowed them with a divine essence to the mind of early humans. Not only did they provide some of our earliest foods and become medicines for our illnesses but they also symbolized certain of our emotions and psychic feelings. This book presents the romantic history of herbs and their use even today.


Rosicrucians Rites Mysteries​



Permission Is Needed To View The Following Locked Volumes

Secret Symbols Book I




Secret Symbols Book II

Rose Croix Journal​​​​​​​​​​​

​The Rose+Croix Journal is an international, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, peer-reviewed online journal that focuses on topics that relate to the sciences, history, the arts, mysticism, and spirituality, especially interdisciplinary topics and transdisciplinary inquiries that traverse and lie beyond the limits of different fields of study. These topics may relate to any of the arts and sciences and/or to other emerging fields of human endeavor​.




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2010 - present

2010 - present

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